In the beginning, God looked upon the face of the water. And he said, "let there be light!" And there was light!!!
This is the page about the creation of the blog, not, as the above quote suggests the creation of the world as believed by christians, taken from Genesis of their Holy Bible. It all started in the stone age, 2007. I was just beginning what one could call my political awakening, and in the abysmal depths of adolescence. With hormones raging through my body, and anger at the lethargic ennui of politics raging through my mind, I got on, what was at the time,, and started a blog. It began with a few articles here and there, most of them listless, incoherent rantings, but the number of articulate pleas for political justice grew, but the blog still wasn't really growing.
It was December '08. It had been a full year since I started my blog, and I had gotten 62 hits the entire time; I knew I needed a change. I was searching for pictures of Dick Cheney on google images when I found a blog on WordPress, a blogging service I had never heard of before. Almost an hour later, after vetting WordPress, creating an account, setting up a new blog, and transferring all my still-relevant articles, I posted a link to my new blog on my FreeWebs, and stepped into the future: the Two Way Street.